Get to know us

The Sunna Institute is a holistic, spiritual community advancing Muslim personal lives through conscious coaching, mentorship, intensive weekend programs, and online courses grounded in traditional Islamic scholarship and spirituality.

Through his years of study, travel, and community service, Shaykh Ismaeel Chartier has pinpointed the gap in services to the Muslim community living in the West. His comprehensive approach considers religious, cultural, and emerging modern concepts and how they impact our community, with actionable plans that create a path to wellness, providing solutions aligned with Islamic principles.

red and beige floral carpet
red and beige floral carpet

Our values

  • Islamic Tradition- all of our sessions are done in accordance with Islamic traditions.

  • Confidentiality - we observe absolute confidentiality in all of our conversations.

  • Honesty & Integrity

  • Autonomy - we respect your individual right to free-will

  • Anonymity - having virtual sessions allows you to maintain complete anonymity, protecting you from possible communal stigma

  • Acceptance & Empathy - nonjudgemental conscious spiritual guidance done with compassionate care

gray pillars near body of water
gray pillars near body of water

Our approach

The Sunna Institute emphasizes spiritual and behavioral reformation rooted in Islamic theological scholarship and spiritual realities while simultaneously integrating conscious coaching techniques to cultivate positive relationships with Allah and His creation.

Spiritual Director
Spiritual Director
Shaykh Ismaeel

Spiritual Director

Who is Shaykh Ismaeel

Shaykh Ismaeel Chartier is a student of knowledge, public speaker, teacher, and spiritual counselor. He has studied Islam for over twenty years, spending extensive time in Egypt, Morocco, Turkiya, India, Yemen, and the United Arab Emirates. He has received licensure (ijaza) to share his knowledge with students.

Shaykh Ismaeel is the Spiritual Director of the Sunna Institute, the first Islamic organization in America to focus on uplifting the Muslim family through traditional Islamic Scholarship.

Shaykh Ismaeel attended Al-Azhar University and has a Bachelor's in Journalism and a Master's in Sociology (Near East Studies) from the University of Arizona. Shaykh Ismaeel is currently a doctoral candidate at the University of Notre Dame. Shaykh Ismaeel has a postgraduate certification in Child Protection Practices and Theories from Harvard University, Trauma Informed Care and Suicide Prevention expertise from the state of Wisconsin, and an EMNA in Non-Profit Management from Notre Dame Mendoza School of Business. He is a certified marriage coach and counselor.