
Mukhtasir Al-Akhdari

The understanding of the acts of worship according to the Maliki school of Islamic law. Imam al-Akhdari was an Algerian scholar whose full name is Abū Yazīd ʿAbdur Raḥmān bin Muḥammad al-Ṣaghīr bin Muḥammad bin ʿĀmir. He is most commonly known as "al-Akhḍarī." He followed the Mālikī school in fiqh and the Ashʿarī school in Aqida. He is considered among the great scholars of Islam and the distinguished scholars of Algeria in the 10th century Hijra. Shaykh Ismaeel Chartier will help illuminate this foundational text of the Maliki madhhab.

Al Mukhtasar al-Akhdari Arabic Recitation by YousefRants

Foundational Islamic Principles That Every Muslim Must Know

Every Muslim must have sufficient knowledge to fulfill his religious duties and to distinguish between what is ḥalāl and what is ḥarām. What is right and what is wrong.

The first command of Almighty Allah in the Qur’an was “read”. “Read in the name of your Lord who created.”1

This verse points out the importance of reading and learning.

The Prophet (pbuh) also said: “Seeking knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim man and woman.”

The aim of this course is to bring every Muslim face to face with the revelation and the Sunnah, especially regarding acts of worship and some important issues encountered in their daily life. This course consists of multiple lessons.

They include the basic subjects of Islam are elaborated on with the concept of religion, the creation of the human being, his origin, his position in the universe, and his responsibility. The basic issues of the creed are examined, and the matters of faith are explained as much is necessary for every believer.

The subject of purification is spoken about and explained, specifically dealing with cleaning and ablution of the internal and exterior parts of the human being and keeping the surrounding environment clean.

We examine ritual prayer, its types, its various rulings, and supplications are assessed. We will learn about fasting, its types, its rulings, and the wisdom behind it are explained. Zakāt and fitra are explained in detail so that you can understand the zakāt rulings applied to obscure and apparent wealth, such as money, gold, and silver reserves, trade goods, animals, and agricultural products.

Moreover, the course illustrates how this charity positively affects social life. The topics of Hajj, Umrah, and Sacrifice are covered. The practical information concerning the acts of worship that need to be performed during the pilgrimage is conveyed, as well as why such acts are necessary for the pilgrim.

Also, various issues related to daily life are discussed, such as contemporary problems related to family life, commercial life, and economic life. Finally, solutions related to these discussions are sought.