
The Blessed Bond

The decision to get married is one of the most important decisions a person makes in life. In fact, personal relationships, especially marital ones, are essential to our well-being. Therefore, the investment of time and energy in the selection process and in understanding our future spouse and ourselves is of utmost importance.

It is much easier to make an effort initially by laying a sound foundation for marriage than to struggle to rectify the damage after the fact. Receiving training and coaching before marriage prevents much marital conflict and suffering.

Benefits of Premarital Counseling with the Sunna Institute

Premarital coaching takes 6-8 sessions. It helps the prospective couple with the following areas:

  • Assessing compatibility in a realistic and honest way

  • Providing the tools to navigate through the many challenges of marriage,

  • Acquiring a clear understanding of Islamic rights and responsibilities,

  • Setting rules and guidelines, and making essential adjustments during the engagement period.

Premarital counseling can take place over Zoom or phone at scheduled appointments.

Premarital Counseling for Singles: It’s Never Early Enough to Prepare

Single brothers and sisters will want to take this counseling to learn about the stages of the selection process: how to recognize and handle any red flags in a potential partner, reasons for wanting to marry and whether it is their personal desire at that time or just pressure from family and whether they are really prepared emotionally, physically, psychologically, financially, and spiritually for marriage.

With unmarried brothers and sisters, we focus on identifying strengths and weaknesses, and we provide an assessment of any spiritual diseases, such as anger, greed, control issues, and others in order to have them addressed before marriage.

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red heart on white background

Marriage Counseling

Half Your Deen

Certainly, there is love in the creation of all beings. Before the creation of the heavens and the earth, Allah was a "hidden gem". He "loved to be known," creating all of existence. Divine love is, therefore, the essence of all love, and Allah subhana wa ta'ala has bestowed other types of love as preparatory and elevating steps towards Divine love. He has created love and affection between a man and a woman as the most valuable means to reach the apex of His love.

The love between spouses is fundamental for a flourishing ummah.

The relationship between spouses should be founded on love, affection, peace, and tranquility. Yet, life often throws curve balls that upset the balance. Financial challenges, illness, communications issues, or any other stressor compromise the intimacy between husband and wife.

Marriage counseling can help couples resolve issues, find solutions to problems that accommodate and satisfy both parties, and rebuild mutual trust, respect, and affection. The couple explores ways their behavior patterns impact their relationship, and tools are provided to improve communication, accommodate differences, and resolve arguments or conflicts in a productive way.

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sea waves